Monday, January 19, 2009

Happy Martin Luther King Day!

Oh, do I love that man.  I mean, I love everything he did for civil rights in this country, and that he was committed to non-violence, and that he wanted a peaceful nation.  But right now I'm loving that man because I. don't. have. to. work. today.  

Which means....
  • I got to sleep in til 8 in my deliciously comfy, warm bed with my fluffy "down" comforter
  • I got to make myself an egg sandwich (workday morning breakfasts are always something boring and fast, like PB toast)
  • I got all of my lesson planning for this week done before 9:15
  • I get to start a batch of banana-chocolate-chip muffins at 9:45 in the morning
  • I get to go hang out with a good friend today and watch only one of the greatest movies of all time: Anne of Green Gables

I mean really, what more could a girl want? Okay, maybe a mani-pedi and a full body massage, but I'll take it. ;)  

Whether you're working or relaxing today, or somewhere in between, have a great Monday!  

P.S.  I do this all the time, and forgive me, but Sandy has such incredible giveaways that I can't help myself.  I'm linking to her amazing, fantastic, full-of-gorgeous-pictures-and-ideas-blog so I can get entered in her giveaway twice.  Maybe this time........


Mary said...

I loved how this started and your big reveal why you loved MLK. hahaha! You are so funny!

Anonymous said...

YAY! For a great day for you! I love the Balcony Girls and hope you win the give-away. BTW, I LOVE Anne of Green Gables...what a perfect way to spend a snowy day off from school. Praying continually for the baby and you (and Chris too) :-) Mrs."B"