Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Fresh air

I have been looking forward to spring this year like no other year that I can remember. I think it's a combination of the fact that I'm excited to do some gardening in our yard for the first time, there's lots of exciting things coming up - going to Florida, baby showers, brother's graduation, hosting my first yard sale, parents and sister coming to visit, and oh yeah, a baby due in the summer - which means we have to have spring first! :)

I normally love all of my pink Valentine's decorations (I'm a teacher, and yes, I decorate our house for minor holidays and the seasons!), but I've already taken them down and put up the few spring decorations I have. A few ceramic eggs, a wire chicken, some cool bendy willow tree branches from last year, fresh new Target towels for the kitchen (on clearance for $1.48 total!) and a few other things. Looking at these fresh, springy things in my house is helping me to stay positive - it will come!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Oh, kids!

Below are two literal conversations/comments with actual students of mine:

After telling my 5th grade class (a little late, about 16 weeks pregnant):

Maya: "Oh, good! 'Cause I was thinkin', 'wow, she used to be pretty skinny.' "

Kaylee, one of my first graders:

"You look pretty skinny today, Mrs. B------"

"Thank you, Kaylee."

"You don't really look that fat yet at all."


19 days til I know whether to buy pink or blue! I can hardly wait!!!!!