Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Ants Come Marching Into My House, Boo Hoo, Boo Hoo

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I feel as though my LIFE is being over-run by these insects!! I'm literally on the verge of heart palpitations, I kid you not. We discovered itty bitty ants about 2 or so weeks ago in our kitchen - I had labored for hours over a hot stove (no really, I did) to make two beautiful apple pie tarts, left them cool on the counter, and came home to find them swarming with ants. So, we borrowed some Terro ant killer from my mother-in-law (once we realized where they were coming in), and they have all but died off. Still a few every now and then, but they go straight to the Terro and then leave. Okay. *Sigh of relief*. I can deal with that.


Last night, we discovered carpenter ants in the bathroom. Waaaay worse (in my opinion, anyway). They move like 80 million times faster, and I swear, these things have 9 lives. You can whack them with your husband's Adidas sandal like, 12 times (hypothetically, of course), and they will not die. It's like they enjoy testing you or something. Or the more likely conclusion that I've decided on: they want to ruin my life and make me paranoid.

Well, DH and I spent about 45 minutes last night sealing off - with duct tape; classy, right? - every possible hole they could be entering. We live in a basement apartment, and saw some coming out of some holes and some other ones coming out of a hole in the dryer pipe/vent. DH sprayed Kilz for good measure, and then we turned the empty dryer on high to teach those mean ants a lesson.


This morning Chris and I found one in the kitchen, which totally thwarted all of our ideas about entry. Chris told me it was probably just a renegade ant from last night.


I came home from class (have I mentioned I'm taking a class yet?) and saw 2 in the kitchen, and 5 in the bathroom. One ant was even carrying another ant! The nerve.

Of course, if this were my own home, I would have called an exterminator (or at least some ant killer!) first thing this morning. isn't. Chris called our landlord last night and then again this morning after I called to tell him I'd found more. (In all honesty, while they're just horribly annoying to us, they really could be eating the inside of his house - apparently these are the house-eating ants.)

Meanwhile, the ants are free to terrorize me. Which means I want to cry.

If anything happens, I will let you know.

As for me, I'll be looking at ceilings, floors, and walls anxiously for the rest of today, feeling like a crazy person.

And wishing I was as cute as Elizabeth Hasselbeck on The View.


Mary said...

I love the way you write. I can hear the tone in your voice. LOVE IT! Sorry 'bout those ants. You made me laugh w/your desc of them though! And no you didnt mention a class... details please.

Heather said...

We totally understand! Our apartment in CU was on an anthille. We ants and ants and more ants. They were coming out of the vents and who else knows where. Okay, ready for the gross part? We would notice these little specks of stuff around our apartment, on our bed specifically. One day we were searching for the source of ants and Ethan opened a vent and it was SWARMING with ants. (Did I mention we lived on an anthill?) We soon put two and two together and figured out those black specks were ant parts flying out of the vents. EWWWWWW!!!! We eventually got vent covers and ant traps...I feel for ya hon. Good luck!

Deborah said...

I can understand your ant problem because a few years ago we had the same problem and had to cut down some pine trees that were touching the house since the ants were coming on them. Spraying (spelling) ant killer around the foundation of the house works for the little ants too. By the way I think you are as cute as Elizabeth. What type of class are you taking? Well I hope you are not doing better with the ants.

Anonymous said...

OK Jess...NOTHING makes me as crazy as ants in my kitchen! I assure you I am telling the truth. I have been known to be in tears when Dave comes home over those stooopid pests! I go berserk. I take it as a personal attack or something on my castle. I am itching right now thinking of them. You MUST declare war! I mean it! Do not back down. They will carry your furniture off before long (ok thats a little embellishment) But oh I do HATE ants. Thats why I am happy I married a Bee :-)