First, this amazing book, which I discovered at our local library:

This woman is seriously a genius when it comes to organization. And it's not your usual lame tips like, "Have a way to sort your laundry." :) She is hard-core about home organization, and offers a lot of tips that I never even thought about - just little things that make you think, "duh!".
For instance, one of her little ideas is to designate certain areas of your dishwasher's silverware holders for certain silverware. Rather than having spoons, knives, and forks scattered in each little holder, put only like silverware next to each other. You can grab it in a bunch rather than spend 5 minutes picking each fork out of the holder, then the spoons, etc. Of course, I don't have a dishwasher right now, but hopefully that tip will help all of you fancy people out there who are lucky enouch to have this
She covers a ton more stuff in her book....most of it really easy stuff like that, but stuff that really makes sense.
She even inspired me to organize and label the shelves of my closet.

I realized that I was buying duplicates of an item (like lightbulbs, for instance) because I didn't know they were already in my hall closet. I realize this list makes me seem OCD, but this is my only closet (yes, you read that right - I don't even have a clothes closet. Yes, you have permission to feel bad for me.) and I really wanted it to be organized. In all honesty, I actually had fun doing it (gasp!).
The second [new to me] item is this website: I just discovered her today, but boy-oh-boy am I excited. This woman gives step-by-step pictures of all of her recipes, and ohmygoodness do they look amazing!
Be inspired! Have a wonderful day. :)
I def want to check out that book. I'm always looking for new ideas. I like the concept of the dishwasher thing but I have done that without sucess. Spoons end up nesting together and they don't get clean. Bleh!
But keep the the ideas coming. You motivate me!
I getcha - I haven't had a dishwasher for the 2.5 years we've been married. I'm ready...
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