Thursday, April 17, 2008

It's official! I have strep. First time in my life, in fact.

So now I can literally say that subbing is going to kill me.

Ha. Ha.

A little sick-bed humor.

I am now on amoxicillin for the second time in less than 30 days.

That's right, folks.

I am a pharmacist's dream.


Heather said...

Time to move out of your moldy house!

Amanda said...

strep=no fun. sorry to hear you are suffering!

Heather said...

The Easter flowers were actually azaleas from our yard. Florida EXPLODED with azaleas a couple of weeks before Easter!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Jess! Strepthroat is horrible! I hope the antibiotic kicked it quickly and you are on the mend now. Love you, Mrs.B