Tuesday's shopping:

2 Crest Pro-Health ($3.49 each; 3.49 ECB back - so, FREE! I found them at the end of the toothpaste aisle in a special display)
2 Mach 3 disposable razors ($7.99 each; giving 5.00 ECB back. This week's paper had a coupon for $3 off - so they're free, too! We definitely don't need these for Chris, but my brother works with a lot of homeless men in Springfield, Ohio, so we're giving these to him - along with a lot of other CVS free finds! - on our next trip to Cedarville. I LOVE the fact that my addiction to bargain shopping can actually be a blessing to other people! Isn't that awesome?! haha)
Bounty paper towels - $4.99 w/$1 coupon from this week's paper. No ECB back but it's okay because we really needed these!
I had that $19.99 ECB from a while back, so I used that, and then I paid $1.02 (my store won't accept ECB for the remainder if all that's left is taxes, apparently). I left with $16.98 in ECB to spend.
I went to a different store today because we had to drop one of our cars off at the garage. This store is also out of the Vitamin C deal and the Venus razor deal, but I was able to find toothpaste, toothbrushes, and lip balm here!

2 Cross-Action toothbrushes ($4.99 each; 4.99 ECB back - I had a $2/2 for these, which is sweet)
1 tube Colgate toothpaste ($2.99; 2.99 ECB back - I also had a $1/1 coupon for this)
Lypsyl beeswax lip balm ($2.99; 2.99 ECB back - no coupon for this, but still free)
All three of these items are found in the red March 2008 booklet in the very front of the store when you walk in!
I paid $11.00 in ECB, yet still had to pay $1.96 OOP, which is a little frustrating. I didn't have any small amounts of ECB left, which is why I just paid the $1.96 in cash. Walked away from that with $15.96 in ECB! I have a new total of $45 ECB to spend at CVS. Music to my ears!
If you want to learn the basics about CVS shopping, check out Money Saving Mom. It's kinda sad, but even Chris now types that site in first for me if he happens to be on the computer right before me! It's the first site I visit anytime I'm on the internet. :) If you have any questions about this week, feel free to ask me or check out her site!
Okay, so this last picture isn't from CVS, but I had to share. Our local library has a little magazine/book exchange. They have magazines up front (donated by readers) that you can purchase for 25 cents. I love it because I can usually can get an up-to-date magazine wicked cheap. Well, today I saw this book - "Martha Stewart's Favorite Cookie Recipes." Anytime I see those five words in conjunction, I stop and look. :) It was only a quarter, and the book's listed price is $8.95. I did what any intelligent woman would do, and snatched that baby up!
If you want to learn the basics about CVS shopping, check out Money Saving Mom. It's kinda sad, but even Chris now types that site in first for me if he happens to be on the computer right before me! It's the first site I visit anytime I'm on the internet. :) If you have any questions about this week, feel free to ask me or check out her site!
Okay, so this last picture isn't from CVS, but I had to share. Our local library has a little magazine/book exchange. They have magazines up front (donated by readers) that you can purchase for 25 cents. I love it because I can usually can get an up-to-date magazine wicked cheap. Well, today I saw this book - "Martha Stewart's Favorite Cookie Recipes." Anytime I see those five words in conjunction, I stop and look. :) It was only a quarter, and the book's listed price is $8.95. I did what any intelligent woman would do, and snatched that baby up!

Go out and get some great CVS deals this week, girls! I'm here to help if you need me!
I really want to do the CVS thing but I just don't get there regularly enough! I had ECB and they expired. GASP! How horrible is that? Maybe once I'm done babysitting. Keep posting your treasures for me though... I love it! (And our store doesn't have those red books you talk about. I've looked the 2x I was there without luck, and I even asked.)
how could you?! haha j/k i can't believe they don't have the monthly deal books...tell you what, my parents are coming out for easter and i will send mine home with them, okay? :)
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