(yes, there is pink carpet in our apartment, and yes, i hate it)
It's even better, though, when this:
and THESE are what's inside!

My husband is a wonderful, wonderful man and I praise God for Him. I do not deserve him in the slightest.
This weekend my sisters-in-law and my in-laws and niece and I canned applesauce! We're talking straight up, no sugar-added pure apple goodness. It was very, very tiring, but overall it was a blast and we canned about 140 quart-sized jars. By the end we were all getting a little slap happy and acting ridiculous but it was so fun to get to be a part of this process. Not a whole lot of canning goes on in Connecticut suburbs, so that was a fun experience.
My application for licensure was FINALLY mailed (hallelujah) to the PA Dept of Ed on Friday, so if you happen to think of me at any point, pray that the information goes through quickly and that I still might possibly get this job in my town that has STILL not been filled.
I have been reading two great books: Homespun Memories for the Heart (Karen Ehman, Kelly Hovermale, and Trish Smith) and A Life That Says Welcome (also by Karen Ehman). I would encourage any of you girls to read these books if you can get your hands on them! They are fabulous resources for making your home more inviting to others and also have great advice on making the most of everyday life and events. I am lucky enough to have a Christian library in the area, so that's where I checked out the second book, and the first book I randomly came across (brand new) in a discount store for a third of the price! I was pumped.
Okay, last thing I will say....I have been reading - okay, really devouring - this woman's website. She is amazing! She and her husband are Christians and have published a few books together, but she is all about entertaining and being hospitable to others as a way of life, not as a once-a- year occurrence. No matter what stage of life you're in, I don't see how you can find her site not fascinating. She is currently doing a give-a-way simply for people who comment on her blog (and I've seen the things she's mailed to other people, and they're fabulous). I already have her linked on the side of my page, as well - SO GO VISIT HER!
Okay, reading over this post, I sound like a really boring housewife. haha....oh well ;) Have a wonderful Wednesday. Or as Dr. Curlette used to say (for all my Cedarville people): "Happy Hump Day, Ladies and Gentlemen!" Ahhhh, the memories! :)
p.s. if you have a google account (read: GMAIL -- and you know you all do), you can respond to my blogs even though i'm not on xanga anymore. you know you want to!
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